The Boddishatva of the Underworld

The Boddishatva of the Underworld
Makes you want to flick that tongue!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday, you stinky rose of contempt

I love you, because you will let me be free at 5pm.
I hate you, because you make me want to jump off a building.
I love you, because you are payday.
I hate you, because you make sensible people make irrational decisions.
I love you, because I can turn everything off and be quiet for a while.
I hate you, because sometimes the idiocy you cause is deafening.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I have no joke here...

I guess this is my first official blog. Yep yep yessiree...feels like...a blog. Guess I should add something witty or poigniant here, but I'm just not in the mood. Sinus infections are the devil.