For the past week or so I have found myself getting dizzy from time to time, to the point that I have had to grab something to hold onto for fear of falling down. It started fairly innocuously on Friday, with just one episode, but progressed on Saturday to a couple of episodes, then 3-4 on Sunday, and by Monday I was in a haze of dizziness. After a quick call to my doc's office, I was prompted to head to the emergency room for testing. Apparently they take this dizzy thing seriously. So I showed up with Amanda on my arm, fretting terribly, and gave the triage nurse my information. She promptly plopped me into a wheelchair and drove me back to an observation room. After a quick series of tests, the doctor asked for blood, an MRI and for me to take some phenergan (an anti-nausea med) and an antihistamine that is apparently good for quelling vertigo.
Let me tell you something. MRI's suck. You get to sit on a board inside a tube with a plastic plate 2 inches over your face for 30-45 minutes. They'd better be glad I'm not claustrophobic. And the thing sounds like a friggin' jackhammer. I couldn't imagine what damage would be done to my ears had they not given me plugs.
Anyway, after some time they came back and noted that I, in fact, have a brain. And it appears to be functioning normally, absent of anything that might appear to be causing this whole business. So it's probably my inner ear, and the doc gave me 'scrips for the meds he had given me earlier (which really didn't do anything other than knock me out) and told me not to climb any ladders or hang any decorations on my roof until the problem goes away.
And that, my friends, is how you divest yourself of $100. I'm still spinny, but it's slowly improving.